A makeshift memorial decorates a evade near a day care center (rear) on February 9, 2023, in Laval, Canada. (Photo by ANNE-SOPHIE THILL/AFP via Getty Images)

Grief-stricken people dropped off flowers and stuffed animals Thursday outside a Quebec daycare center that was smashed into by a city bus, killing two children and sending six to hospitals.

André Beaudoin, a father of a 2-year-old boy who attends the center in Laval, a town north of Montreal, was back a day while he pushed through debris to help pull injured children from view the bus that rammed into the building.

"I force to to get four out. The last girl … her head was stuck really bad," he told reporters.

Beaudoin said that Wednesday morning he had just parked his car to drop off his son when he saw the bus barrel into the daycare center. He said he ran into the building and although most of the children had already left the interpretation, "We heard the screams" of trapped children.

"I was the great under the bus …," he said. "I have kids … so to me, there are kids view the bus, you have to get them out. No custom what happens."

Large sheets of plywood covered the damaged wall Thursday, next to a cheerful sign with pink letters bearing the name of the center, Garderie Éducative Ste-Rose. Piles of debris from the damaged roof and center lay in the snow.

People, many in tears, paused by to pay their respects and add to the growing memorial of flowers and stuffed toys in a snowbank outside the center where two 4-year-olds died in the incident.

Two of the six children had been released from the hospital, while four youngsters remained under treatment, Montreal health officials said.

PREVIOUS: 2 children dead, 6 injured while bus crashes into Quebec day care

Montreal's Sainte-Justine children's hospital said in a statement that two children survive there were in a "favorable" state of health. Two youngsters happened at a Laval hospital, and doctors said their lives were not in danger.

Pierre Ny St-Amand, a 51-year-old driver with the Laval transit corporation, was arrested at the scene Wednesday. He faces two subsidizes of first-degree murder as well as seven other charges, including attempted murder and aggravated assault.

Authorities said Thursday that they were unexcited trying to understand what could have led someone to right a bus into the daycare center.

"The motive stays incomprehensible still today," Public Security Minister François Bonnardel told journalists in Quebec City.

Asked what authorities could have done to own the incident, Bonnardel said: "No one can predict this kind of own. No one can predict that someone gets up in the morning, takes off with a bus and decides to hit a daycare with a bus."

Witnesses said the driver was delirious at what time exiting the bus, tore off his clothes and screamed as a few people restrained him on the ground until police arrived.

Late Wednesday, a police cruiser and two officers were stationed outside St-Amand's home on a collected suburban street about 10 kilometers (six miles) from the daycare inner. Several neighbors described him as a quiet, pleasant father of two young girls.

One man, Thanh-Ry Tran, said his people got together with St-Amand's family a few times a year, adding that their wives would sometimes help each anunexperienced in picking up or dropping off children. He said St-Amand had never shown signs of distress.

Lionel Carmant, the government minister responsible for social services, told journalists in Quebec City that regional health officials in Laval erroneous no evidence that St-Armand had received care for testy health issues.